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Sunday’s COVID-19 Data: 299 New, 2.89% Positivity Rate, 5 New Deaths

Bars and Restaurants in Kentucky can stay open until 12 mn EDT, and doors will close at 1 am. 

Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring Stats

QuarantineofVaccinatedPersonsGuidance (from

Regional Vaccination Site at the Alltech Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park. There is an appointment required. To schedule that appointment, go to

Vaccine.KY.Gov to see when you can get vaccinated, or call 855-598-2246 from 8 am to 7 pm Monday-Friday. 855-598-2246 TTY: 855-326-4654 (8 am to 7 pm Monday – Friday)

Notes from Sunday’s 4.4 Ky. COVID-19 Daily Summary

Total New Cases: 299 18 & Under: 53
Total Cases: 429,401 including 326,526 with 102,835 Probable cases.

Positivity Rate: 2.89% (7-day Rollover Average)*

Total Tests: 4,997,321 Total Positive Tests: 313,421 Total PCR Positive: 262,220 Total Serology Positive: 10,924 Total Antigen Positive: 40,277
Kentuckians Ever Hospitalized with COVID-19: 20,902 (4.87%)
Kentuckians now in Hospital with COVID-19: 355
Kentuckians Ever in ICU with COVID-19: 4,329 (1.01%)
Kentuckians now in ICU with COVID-19: 95
Kentuckians on a Ventilator with COVID-19: 47

Long Term Care:
Cases: 46,307 (10.8%)
Deaths: 2,377 (38.6%)

Current Hospitalized Patients:
                              Occupied | Available | % Occupancy
Inpatient Beds:     7,762           5,540                 58.4%
ICU Beds:              1,021                782                 56.6%
Ventilators:              472             1,313                  26.4%

Kentuckians who have Recovered: 49,915 (11.62%)

New Deaths announced today: 5
New Audit Deaths: 9 Total New: 14

Total Deaths due to COVID-19: 6,163 Confirmed: 5,573 Probable: 590

Vaccine Phases Update:
1A: Long term care facilities, assisted living facilities, Health Care personnel
1B: First responders,  anyone age 70 and older, K-12 school personnel
1C: Anyone age 50 or older, anyone age 16 or older with CDC highest risk C19 risk conditions, essential workers
2: Anyone age 40 or older
3: Anyone age 16 or older
4: Children under the age of 16 if the vaccine is approved for this age group. (estimated 18% of KY Population)

Medicare-Certified Long-Term Care Visitation Update: New Guidance:

Indoor Visitation restarted March 15.
All visitors will still be screened.
We encourage all visitors to get vaccinated or have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of visiting.
Fully vaccinated residents can choose to have close contact with their visitors by wearing a well-fitting face mask and performing proper hand hygiene.

March 15th Phase Eligibility:

As of March 15th, the Kentucky COVID-19 vaccination eligibility phase is 1C.
1C is now expanded to include all persons age 16 or older with any medical or behavioral health condition(s) (except smoking) the CDC reports “are” or “might be” at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness.
As able, vaccination sites should still prioritize persons age 60 and older who face a higher COVID-19 mortality rise. Local health departments will also address vulnerable populations within their communities.
All vaccination sites are again urged to administer 90% or more of all vaccine doses received within 7 days of arrival.

Travel Advisory

On December 14, 2020, the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) revised its travel guidance to discourage all out-of-state leisure travel until further notice.

If persons do engage in out-of-state leisure travel, they are urged to voluntarily self-quarantine for 14 days when they return to Kentucky or follow CDC guidance for alternate options to shorten the quarantine period.
For Individuals Seeking Travel Guidance New
Additional CDC guidance related to domestic travel during the COVID-19 pandemic includes:

Travel can increase your chance of spreading and getting COVID-19. Postponing travel and staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
You and your travel companions (including children) may feel well and not have any symptoms, but you can still spread COVID-19 to family, friends, and the community after travel.
If you have a known exposure to COVID-19 you should delay travelquarantine yourself from other people, get tested, and monitor your health. Check your state or local health department for information about local quarantine requirements.
Don’t travel if you are sick or test positive for COVID-19. Don’t travel with someone who is sick.

Complete CDC guidance on travel can be found here: Domestic Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic 
Is Your County RED?
Follow these recommendations to stay safe and limit the spread of COVID-19
Allow Employees to work from home when possible.
Non-Critical Government offices to operate virtually.
Reduce in-person shopping. Order online or curbside pickup as much as possible.
Order Take-Out. Avoid dining in restaurants or bars.
Prioritize businesses that follow and enforce mask mandates and other guidelines.
Reschedule, postpone or cancel public or private events.
Do not host or attend gatherings of any size.
Avoid non-essential activities outside of your home.
Reduce overall activity and contacts, and follow existing guidance, including the 10 Steps to Defeat COVID-19.
*Based on a 7-day rolling average. Timing of reporting overall lab results versus positives, repeat testing of individuals, duplicate entries, and lack of reporting by some labs, make the data imprecise and more appropriate or useful for trending.
The data collected by the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) on case patients comes from a number of sources, including electronic laboratory reports, provider case
disease and COVID-19 investigation reports, local health department investigation results, hospital infection prevention clinical patient data, and KDPH investigation results. Data is often found incomplete and/or incorrect and during KDPH investigation individual patient-level data is added to, corrected, and de-duplicated so that overall case counts and aggregate data values change daily.

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