Lexington Opens Cooling Centers, Discounts Pool Admissions Due to July 4 Heat Advisory(Lexington, KY – July 3, 2018) With temperatures expected to be in the mid-90’s, and the heat index well over 100 degrees this week, Lexington officials plan to open multiple cooling centers on July 4 and offer half-price admission fees to all city pools and aquatic centers for the day.The Dunbar Community Center, 545 North Upper St., will be open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Outing rooms at the Gay Brewer Jr. Golf Course, 469 Parkway Drive, and the Tates Creek Golf Course, 1400 Gainesway Drive, will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Lexington Senior Center, 195 Life Lane (behind the Southland Christian Church on Richmond Road) will be open from 11a.m. to 9 p.m.Residents are invited to come to any of the three locations to cool off, said Monica Conrad, Director of Lexington Parks & Recreation. Lextran is offering free rides to Lexington residents who need a ride to any of the three cooling centers.Citizens should tell the bus driver they are traveling to a cooling center.The Office of Homelessness Prevention and Intervention has extended the Emergency Summer Weather Plan to continue through and including Thursday July 5th. The Hope Center Hope Mobile will be covering these extended days and will be distributing water, sunscreen, and other supplies. The Hope Center Hope Mobile can be contacted at 859-252-7881.Anyone needing assistance can dial 2-1-1, text their zip code to 898211, or log onto United Way 2-1-1 for locations of shelters and other resources in Lexington and surrounding counties.The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for Fayette County on July 4th from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. High temperatures in the mid 90’s combined with high humidity will result in heat index levels between 105 and 110. The combination of heat and humidity will lead to an increased risk of heat related stress and illness, especially with the very young and elderly. Everyone is advised to drink plenty of water, avoid strenuous activity during the middle of the day and check on elderly neighbors.More information is available at www.lexingtonky.gov/heat or the Lexington Emergency Management website at BeReadyLexington.com. Information is also available on the DEM Facebook page –LexingtonKYEM – and also on Twitter – @lexkyem