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Saturday’s COVID-19 Numbers: 2,162 New, 119,661 Total, 7.17% Positivity Rate

Notes from Saturday’s 11.07 Ky. COVID-19 Daily Summary
Total New Cases today: 2,162
Total Cases: 119,661 including 19,846 Probable cases.
Positivity Rate: 7.17% (7-day Rollover Average)*
Total Tests: 2,207,351**
Kentuckians Ever Hospitalized with COVID-19: 7,844 (6.60%)
Kentuckians Ever in ICU with COVID-19: 1,989 (1.70%)
Current Patient Disposition:
Inpatient Beds: 8,901
ICU Beds: 1,473
Ventilators: 474
Kentuckians who have Recovered:  21,513 (18.00%)
New Deaths announced today: 17
Total Deaths due to COVID-19: 1,561
Health at Home Utility Relief Fund: There is $15 million in assistance for paying your overdue utility bills. To apply, go to or call 800-456-3452.
Is Your County RED?:
Follow these recommendations to stay safe and limit the spread of COVID-19
Allow Employees to work from home when possible.
Non-Critical Government offices to operate virtually.
Reduce in-person shopping. Order online or curbside pickup as much as possible.
Order Take-Out. Avoid dining in restaurants or bars.
Prioritize businesses that follow and enforce mask mandate and other guidelines.
Reschedule, postpone or cancel public or private events.
Do not host or attend gatherings of any size.
Avoid non-essential activities outside of your home.
Reduce overall activity and contacts, and follow existing guidance, including the 10 Steps to Defeat COVID-19.
*Based on a 7-day rolling average. Timing of reporting overall lab results versus positives,
repeat testing of individuals, duplicate entries, and lack of reporting by some labs, make the
data imprecise and more appropriate or useful for trending.
** Due to a keystroke error, the PCR and total tested figures were incorrectly reported on 11/6/2020. This has
been corrected.
The data collected by the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) on case patients
comes from a number of sources, including electronic laboratory reports, provider case
disease and COVID-19 investigation reports, local health department investigation results,
hospital infection prevention clinical patient data, and KDPH investigation results. Data is
often found incomplete and/or incorrect and during KDPH investigation individual patient-level data is added to, corrected, and de-duplicated so that overall case counts and aggregate data values change daily.

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