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227 New Cases of COVID-19 in Ky, Total 7,088. Health Care Phase III Open

Governor Andy Beshear said today at his daily press conference for the Coronavirus that there are 227 new cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, bringing the total to 7.088 with 31 probable. There were 20 new cases in Fayette County, 2 in Madison, and Montgomery Counties.
There have been 117,395 Kentuckians tested for Coronavirus, of those 1,835 have ever been in the Hospital with COVID-19. There are 377 in now. There have ever been 784 in the ICU with COVID-19, there are 215 in now. There have been 2,694  Kentuckians to recover from COVID-19
There were 5 new deaths announced today.
The Governor announced that Cookie Crews has been named the Commissioner of Corrections for the Commonwealth.
Phase III of Healthcare Reopening started today with Non-emergent/non-urgent inpatient surgery and procedures resume at 50% of pre-COVID-19 shutdown volume.
All Surgical/procedural patients MUST have COVID-19 pre-procedure testing per professional association guidelines consistent with KDPH guidance.
Each facility must maintain a 14-day supply of all necessary PPE based on a projected 14-day burn rate for the entire facility.
Type of timing of cases determined by facility-specific procedure prioritization and oversight committee.
For Acute care Hospitals, maintain at least a 30% bed capacity, per facility surge plan, in both ICU and total beds for COVID-19 patients.
The 10-year old that was announced with COVID-19 is not off the Ventilator!
The Pediatric COVID-19 Helpline is 800-722-5725. It is staffed by Norton Healthcare and will give out Parent advice and related questions.
Next week’s Kroger Partnership will be Drive-through testing in 4 sites starting on Monday in Louisville, the other sites will be open Tuesday – Thursday at Richmond, Mayfield, and Ohio Counties. Use to register for next week’s testing.

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